Is your content well optimized for SEO and still not ranking? Well, all your dreams seem shattered when your kick-start to the blogging career is not as per your expectations.
But before you decide to quit blogging or feeling like demotivated, you must read this valuable guide serving as a scapegoat for you.
Why my blog is not ranking? This is the question of almost 99% of bloggers today.
First of all, for every blog to rank, you need to have patience and fix the loopholes there. We urge you to have the courage to test your waters in tough times.
We have listed down 8 possible reasons your content will not rank in Google ever.

Bargaining for free organic traffic is like a dream come true but check out a few of these mistakes you may be doing-
- a) Your Blog is not Mobile responsive-It is a fact that approx 98% of internet users prefer mobile to surf. This is the purpose of almost every website using Mobile responsive themes so that the article can be seen well on Tabs and Mobiles. Gone are the days when we only used Laptops or Desktops to connect to the Internet. In WordPress, you get many free themes like OceanWP, Generate Press, Theme Isle, etc and they all are mobile responsive. Your content will not deform and will be seen easily on almost every device.
- b) Short Length Articles-This heading will definitely force you to scratch your head. Find out how many articles you have which are just close to 700 words or even lesser. If your blog doesn’t have detailed articles, it will find it hot to sit on the Search engine’s chair. As per our understanding and analysis, If you write at least 1500 words article, you will see some traction. Try for 2000 – 3000 words to beat the competition. One more suggestion- If you are about to start your first blog, you must not limit it to only text, experiment with adding images and videos also.
- c) Including copied or Plagiarized Articles – Are you copying word to word from other websites? The disaster you are doing with your blogging career. Plagiarism is a crime and of no real value. Use your own creativity. Write in your own words. Of course, you can take inspiration from the competitors to write even better, but copying is something I will strongly discourage. Also, there are many plagiarism checkers to help you before publishing the content.
- d) Using slow Web Hosting -Uptime and Speed are the two most important factors for consistent blog growth. You will notice a fall in traffic when your web host is down or slow in speed. Team suggests choosing good hosting providers, visiting the Web hosting Expert Opinions to reviews, and finding great deals for yourself. You must also have an Innovative Domain and Blog name which is easy to remember.
- e) Multiple Grammatical Mistakes -Please write in proper English or any language you want. Please make sure that whatever you have written is grammatically correct and that there are no major mistakes at least. For all major and minor corrections, take the help of Grammarly which offers a free basic tool. Properly optimized content, all original, with no grammatical mistakes holds a higher chance of ranking.
- f) Improper or No Keyword Research -Whenever we go to the battlefield, we always check the weapons possibly being used by our enemy. In blogging also, every blog competes with the other one. All are focusing on writing better content. But not all of them rank on the same Keyword. Your website’s authority matters a lot. Hence for new blogs, we advise using only low competition keywords. Use UberSuggest or Semrush for finding low competition keywords. Start writing on them and build good backlinks.
- g) You don’t refresh your Blogs -When was the last time you updated your content? Don’t think that writing a particular content is just one-time activity. Successful bloggers update their content at least once in a quarter and even more. The search engine will always strive to search the latest content and information for every particular keyword being searched there. Hence we urge you to update content on a regular basis
- h) No activity to retain loyal visitors -“Once a customer, always a customer”, Nice saying, right? Yes, we all want regular customers or visitors. But for that, we need to keep them informed and updated. Today they have reached your blog because of Google or Social media. But next time, if you have requested them to share their emails or subscribe to notifications, they will reach your blog often. Use plugins like One Signal and Mail chimp etc for this.
Quick Recap of Learning –
So, we wish you all the success in your blogging career. But without ensuring all of the above 8 points are in place, it is honestly hard for you to rank. You will also agree with the importance of all the above points noted by us. When our content is optimized, there are no grammatical mistakes, we are always accessible with almost 99.99% uptime, focusing on low competition keywords, etc, we will definitely rank one day.